Plan and organize an Event?
We can help!
Everything you need for helper planning in one place!
We remind you
Save time
Stop return slips, hang ups and endless follow-up calls.
Verwalte Deine Veranstaltung online und informiere alle Helfer per Email.
Basis Funktionen Free
Premium functions 3,99€
Premium+ 29,99€ pro Jahr
Shift plans to PDF
Shift plans to CSV
Email notification to all helpers
Easy setup
Create event with a few clicks
How it works
Create event
After you have registered, you can create your event. You are now the organizer and can start planning the helpers. You can send the link to the event directly from the portal. It is also very easy to embed the link to the event in a website. In the premium and subscription version, a QR code is also generated, which you can also send or embed in a website.
Once you sign up as an organizer, you can directly access your event, edit, add helpers, print the shift schedule and more.
User (Helper)
Afterwards, you simply pass on the link to the event to your potential helpers (club members, friends, etc.). With this link, your helpers can directly register for the desired shifts.
In addition, the link should be published only to a limited extent, in order to prevent fun registrations as possible.
School Events
Donation Collecting
Classes Celebration
Business Events
Work Plans
Business Events
Sponsorship Run
Soup Kitchen
Books Club
Club Celebrations
Soup Kitchen
Street Festival
Frequently Asked Questions
Die CSV ist nur die Rohfassung der Daten und ist Komma getrennt. Die Daten werden aus der Datenbank als CSV-Datei exportiert. Hier eine kleine Anleitung wie die CSV Datei mit Excel, LibreOffice oder OpenOffice geöffnet werden kann: Views: 1 Die PDF Datei ist nur für die Übersicht der einzelnen Spendenboxen und Aktivitätenboxen. Um eine Übersicht zu bekommen welcher Helfer sich wann eingetragen hat, solltest Du die “Excel herunterladen” Funktion nutzen. Beim XLSX Export werden alle Daten exportiert und Du kannst selbst entscheiden wie du welche Daten darstellen möchtest. Views: 2 On the Gawaana administration page there are 2 types of boxes: To create a donation box, you must register or log in to Gawaana. Next, you need to create an event. Views: 2 As a new customer you have to register first: After that you will receive a verification email: After verifying your email address, you can log in: Now you can create an event in the dashboard: Then enter the coupon code: Views: 2 As a new customer you have to register first: After that you will receive a verification email: After verifying your email address, you can log in: Now you can create an event in the dashboard: Now you can create the donation boxes, as well as the activities: Views: 5 Who does not know this, how do I inform the members of the association that the next party is coming up and helpers are needed again? Mit Gawaana ist das ganz leicht! First, the organizer creates the event, schedules the activities, stands, shifts and number of helpers required. Then he can distribute the link to the helper planning to the club members. He can communicate this via email, info on the homepage or notice. Then the club members can sign up for the activities or shifts. The organizer keeps the overview! Views: 2 Gawaana is perfect for school parties. The organizer can plan all activities of the school festival or the school celebration with Gawaana. Likewise, the organizer can inform the necessary helpers (parents), by posting, flyer in the mail folder or by info on the school website. The parents can easily register and the organizer does not have to collect and evaluate return slips. This makes every school festival a success! Views: 6 Mit Gawaana kannst Du ganz einfach Schulfeste, Vereinsfeste, Straßenfeste oder jede sonstige Veranstaltung planen, bei der Du Helfer einplanen möchtest. In short, with Gawaana helper planning and helper placement can be easily done centrally online. No matter if a small family party or a big event. The organizer always keeps the overview! Views: 4 Gawaana is composed of two words from Suaheli: gawio (Division) + faana (help each other) = Gawaana Mit den Worten „Einteilung“ und „einander helfen“ treffen wir genau den Punkt. Unsere Plattform hilft Veranstaltungen zu planen und Helfer einzuteilen. Views: 0 There are 3 options after the event has been created: Views: 1 Gawaana is free in the basis version. Premium version is 3,99€ per event. The Premium Plus version costs € 29,99 per year (unlimited number of events) Views: 1
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